June 5, 2020: Building Resilience: Linking Covid-19 and Climate Change
Keynote Dialogue: Covid-19, Climate Change, and the Challenges of a Slow Roll Crisis
Juliette Kayyem
Belfer Senior Lecturer in International Security, Harvard Kennedy School
Faculty Director, Homeland Security Project, Harvard University
Faculty Affiliate, Middle East Initiative, Harvard University
Keynote Dialogue: COVID-19 CoDisaster Planning & Response
Georges C. Benjamin, MD
Executive Director, American Public Health Association
Local Response, Local Solutions
Alonzo L. Plough
VP, Research-Evaluation-Learning and Chief Science Officer
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Ready for Change: Building a Prepared Community
Claude-Alix Jacob, Chief Public Health Officer
Director, Public Health Department
City of Cambridge, MA
Don’t Rebuild Systems that Broke: Investing in community-led climate resiliency
Sam Baraso, Program Manager, Portland Clean Energy Fund
Bureau of Planning & Sustainability
City of Portland, OR